Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Likes and Dislikes

So,If you have every read SUN newspaper from Nigeria, you must have come across SUN girl. For those who don't know, Its this section of the paper where they interview a girl. So for the likes and dislikes section in the interview, their answers are always the same.
Like- Honesty, loyalty, obedience, politeness.... blah blah bla
Dislikes:(This is my best).. Dishonesty, liars, cheaters, selfish people blah blah blah.
Anyway, I am just wondering why their likes and dislikes are always the same. If we all liked and hated the same thing, why then is the world not so peaceful and boring?!?!
This is a link to the newspaper-http://www.sunnewsonline.com/webpages/sungirl/index.htm

P.S -They can like to hire me to provide clothes for the girls.

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