Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy new year

I wish you a happy new year, I wish you a happy new year.......2011 don show!!

OK, Happy new year everyone.. I pray we all have a blessed year!

So whats the point of this blog? I am not sure really but time will tell.

For now,lets talk about ridiculousresolutions... Like seriously do you have to wait for January 1st to make same changes? You are sitting on your bed on DEC 28th and writing your resolutions-Ill read my bible everyday,Ill be nice to people, Ill never lie..blah blah blah..

Save your self the time because time is money. what is it about Jan 1st that would suddenly bring change into your life? please lets leave resolutions to primary school pupils kids. Just live the good life! enjoy every single day you see because it might be your last day-Yes that's reality.
I will stop here!
Happy new year again,may 2011 bring good things your way!

Till you read again....


  1. I know ryt, because most of the time resolutions are always I would not drink nd blah blah and before you know it they are back to drinking so whats d point of the resolution.

  2. wow u are soo....damn smart i say that 2 all my pals too.....resolutions are just lies we tell feburary we all seem 2 forget that we ever had a resolution.........true talk :)

  3. First time here but I think this is you first post though. You are so right it's a new day just as tomorrow is a new day. That's why new year resolutions don't work too well because you should make changes as you go and not wait for a particular date.

  4. wow... straight to the point huh? I like!
    Happy New year to you too!
