So on facebook today someone's status was - I HATE MY LIFE, I HAD A HORRIBLE DAY, NOTHING EVER SEEMS TO BE RIGHT WITH ME". And some people liked the status.
It got me thinking oo..Why would you like that? you like the fact that your friend had a horrible day? or the fact that your friend has a messy life or you just do not know how to use the like button? SMH.. After thinking oo, I came to the conclusion that we need a new course -Social networking manners"..LOL! Think about it, so many people would benefit from this cuz the way people have been misbehaving on facebook isn't funny anymore. They lack facebook manners ( yes there is something like that).haha..
People just don't know how to use the resources provided on facebook. I mean, inbox is there for a reason, Do not come on my wall asking me if the underwear we got at d mall fits me or not? like seriously?? somethings do not belong to the wall. Infact eh, too many things are wrong with people on facebook that is why we need this course.
PUH-Lease, I beg you in the name of whatever you believe in, do not add me on facebook just because I wrote on your friends wall, do I know you? the fact that we have a mutual friend doesnt make us friends oo biko,ejo, abeg!..
Ermm, how is it affecting you that I update my status 100 times a day? eh, its not by force to read it oo.But some status updates need an I DO NOT CARE button.
Please stop insulting your ex bf on facebook putting up status like (I am better than your ex and your next)..Abeg go to bed..You will insult the boy today, tomorrow you are in a relationship with him again- Take your drama somewhere else, facebook is not a gollywood movie.
If you add me on facebook and I do not accept, please oo, abeg, do not inbox me asking me why I didn't accept you and how I am soo rude, I beg you to add me ?? Why do I have to explain it to you that I do not know you? Anyhoo, moving on...So you have your full name, address, email addresses, house adress, mobile number, house #, school, your major etc.
Please do not insult your boss on facebook biko. Call a friend and rant about your boss! Just not on facebook-you might be loosing your job the next day.:P.. If you find a find a fault with my rant, you definetly need to come register for my social networking manners course.
And to end my rant...
He needs to come take the course too. Because you have a camera,couch,
Remain blessed!
Till you read again....X
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