Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Natural hair

Ok so this team Natural Hair thing has been going on for a while *rolling my h-eyes*.. Ermmm, Please, No one should come telling me how I should go back to my African roots and turn natural abeg.. You are Natural, good for you. Congratulations but do not drag me into it. I love my weave HAIR. This #teamnaturalhair on twitter and all is just pure BS.. Totally uncalled for. Go natural if you want to,for healthy hair or fashion reasons, its your Hair Sister and Ill respect that but Do not come around telling me how I have lost my African roots because I chose to relax my hair. shoooo, is it your hair??? If you won't comb the hair for me everymorning, please!! Hands up to my natural sisters out there tho! It aint easy but its not a movement please and Thank you..
Rant over :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Its Gennyyyy

I like Genevieve a lot. I have heard a lot of "she is rude and arrogant" comments from people but I still love her. Look at that, Now that's a babe Celebrity. One of Naija's best in my opinion. She is too on point Jare. 9.999999/10!!!! To add to it, she is BEAUTIFUL. Once I see Genevieve in a movie, I can be 8/10 sure the movie would make sense.

Till you read again

Monday, March 21, 2011

........Just can't

You cannot be ugly and Rude. Its not allowed. You know you are not too appealing facially, you can atleast be nice as to give people a reason to have a conversation with you. Please brother, Ugly (AKA wowo, wugly, fugly)...and rude do not go together so just stop it .:)

Disclaimer-I am not saying anyone is ugly but some of us are just not facially appealing :)

I kinda suck at this blogging thing but I never give up ;p;p....

Remain blessed,
Till you read again

Monday, February 14, 2011

My true feelings?

Happy valentines day to those who care! I really do not like people wishing me happy vals day :). Its not a public holiday so why so special? God knows if I didn't have classes on Valentines day, then Ill accept all the wishes. :).Reading week can like to come already.
So I was thinking about letting out your true feelings. I DO NOT like telling people how I feel.maybe I don't know how I feel. But does this mean I just bottle up all my feelings? Maybe I have no feelings really? or maybe I am scared of letting them out? I doubt the last is true tho. I am not an extrovert,not an introvert either. I talk a lot (too much sometimes). But I just realized I could have a long conversation with someone without mentioning anything about myself.
Ok, back on letting out feelings, Is it ok to let out all your true feelings? Or are we (humans) just supposed to let of feelings of love? what about hatred? How do we even know how we feel really? oo well...

On to the next note, I didn't read my bible last week *covers face* and I didn't realize this till the end of the week. It felt like the holyspirit wasn't with me anymore(I know this was not the case). I felt horrible and empty and in church yesterday, all I could say was sorry Jesus, I know I did backslide but I'm getting back . You see, whenever I don't go to church on a Sunday for reasons I could control.I feel horrible all through the week. I wonder if I am the only one that feels this way. Oo well, Dear God, please forgive me, cleanse me and give me the grace to go through this week. Protect my family-(extended and church family included), friends and well wishers. I know the holyspirit is always with me.

Remain blessed..xoxo

Friday, February 11, 2011

She does Not deserve you?

So I was sitting on the bus yesterday and this guy (lets call him A) came in with his girlfriend (we will call her G). The conversation goes like this

A- My baby just died during the delivery.( He was talking to everyone on the bus!)

Someone on the bus- OO sorry about that. are you to mother?

G- No, I wish. then the baby would have been alive. You know A the only things that ties the cord around a baby's neck is either because the mum is on drugs and alcohol or she is stressed

A- she doesn't do no drugs

G- well, I guess she was stressed.

A- No, all she did was stay home. I did all the shopping, cleaning, cooking so I am sure she wasn't stressed.

G- Well, it must have been drugs then, she is not the right woman for you..GBAM!

I was listening to this conversation and I just couldn't get why G was trying to convince A that the mother of his dead baby is on drugs.G herself looks like she is sniffing a little something. Some women eh, leave the man alone, how do you know who is right for him. You? oo please! Get over yourself!!

BTW, downtown is creepy!!!

#Life at UWO 1

-I do not like UCC stairs and no I am not going to use the elevator-too slow!!! Ironic?

-9.30 am classes do not work for neither do night classes.

-North Campus building is too far!! When there is a fire alarm there, there is no building nearby so you just have to stand outside in the COLD!

-UCC Hill- Not a fan!!

-Weldon- 2 minutes there and you see 10 people you know, there goes your studying.

-Dancing in the ucc and people asking you keep it low because they are studying, Its the University community centre not the library.

-You sit down at the front row in class just to watch a movie? why come at all?

But we all love western.:)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Likes and Dislikes

So,If you have every read SUN newspaper from Nigeria, you must have come across SUN girl. For those who don't know, Its this section of the paper where they interview a girl. So for the likes and dislikes section in the interview, their answers are always the same.
Like- Honesty, loyalty, obedience, politeness.... blah blah bla
Dislikes:(This is my best).. Dishonesty, liars, cheaters, selfish people blah blah blah.
Anyway, I am just wondering why their likes and dislikes are always the same. If we all liked and hated the same thing, why then is the world not so peaceful and boring?!?!
This is a link to the newspaper-

P.S -They can like to hire me to provide clothes for the girls.